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 X <number> [percent|fromMax|fromPointer] | auto | atPointer
 Sets the x position of the window. Examples:
 x 120             ;Sets the x position to 120.
 x 50 percent      ;Sets the x position so that the window will be placed
                    in the middle of the screen in x-led.

 x auto            ;Same as the last one.
 x 100 percent     ;Sets the x position so that the window will be placed
                    as much to the right it can be.

 x 0 frommax       ;Same as the last one.
 x 3 frommax       ;Sets the x pos, so that the gap between the right
                    border of the screen and the right border of the
                    window is 3 pixels.

 x atPointer       ;Sets the x pos, so that the mouse pointer points at
                    the middle of the window (in x-led).

 x 0 fromPointer   ;Same as the last one.
 x 30 fromPointer  ;Sets the x pos 30 pixels to the right of the pointer.
                    (Calculated from the middle of the window)

 x -30 fromPointer ;Sets the x pos 30 pixels to the left of the pointer.

 Default is auto


 Y <number> [percent|fromMax|fromPointer] | auto | atPointer
 Works in the same way as the X-command.


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