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 CheckOptions  ON | OFF

 Specifies if there will be a syntax control on the options or not. These
 are the options I am talking about:

	 [ EXEC <command> | RUN <command> | ScreenRun <screen> <cmd> 
	 | UPDATE | LOADUPDATE | LOAD <file> [arguments]             
	 | EXIT [<string>] | QUIT [<string>]                         
	 | DumpX <variable> | DumpY <variable>                       
	 | LastX <variable> | LastY <variable>                       
	 | LastXPos <variable> | LastYPos <variable>                 
	 | Popup | PopupClose                                        
	 | Setenv <variable> <value> | UnSetenv <variable> ]         
	 ( ['command 1' 'command 2' ... 'command n'] )                (The old way)
 CheckOptions is now by default ON! And you can in most cases use the old
 way of executing dos commands anyway! (The last line in the option list
 above). When CheckOptions was introduced (Selector 7.0), it was by
 default OFF. If it was turned ON, then you could NOT use the old fashion
 way of executing dos commands at all. The old way was that if the next word
 in an option line was NOT recognized as an option (update, exit etc.) Then
 it was executed as a dos command. I then thought that this made syntax
 checks on the options totally impossible. (As you know, an AmigaDos command
 can be any word). To make syntax checks possible, I added the "exec" option.
 So, if you wanted the options to be checked, you had to use this option
 instead of the old way of starting amigados commands. And I still recommend
 you to do so! But now, checkOptions can in most cases tell if a word is a
 dos command or not. This is what it looks for:
 1. If the word contains a space, then it probably is a dos command. For
    example: 'run >nil: Program'
 2. If it contains a "/" or a ":", then it's probably a dos command.
 3. If it exists as a file.

 If you don't want the options allways to be checked, you can turn
 checkoptions OFF in the settings file.

 You can turn CheckOptinos ON and OFF many times in the same script if
 you like.

 Default is ON


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