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	 [ EXEC <command> | RUN <command> | ScreenRun <screen> <cmd> 
	 | UPDATE | LOADUPDATE | LOAD <file> [arguments]             
	 | EXIT [<string>] | QUIT [<string>]                         
	 | DumpX <variable> | DumpY <variable>                       
	 | LastX <variable> | LastY <variable>                       
	 | LastXPos <variable> | LastYPos <variable>                 
	 | Popup | PopupClose                                        
	 | Setenv <variable> <value> | UnSetenv <variable> ]         
	 ( ['command 1' 'command 2' ... 'command n'] )               

 The Popup and PopupClose works only if
 you are using the Popup command. Then the option "Popup" makes
 the window to popup, and "PopupClose" (or "ClosePopup") makes the popup window
 to be closed.

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