ALM Reference Manual

The data for ALM is defined in a kind of script text file. In the early versions, editing the script file was the only way of adding notes. But now when you for example press the add note button to add a note, ALM puts in the appropriate commands by itself.

If you take a look at the data file, most of the commands are pretty self-explanatory. But not everything is.


Let's start with all of the settings commands. To quickly find the settings in a big data file, press the "Find Settings" button in the editor.

What to display

How many days to show in each category
#past 1 30
#highlight 7
#future 357

This section sets what to display in ALM's window. The first number of the "Past" setting (1 above) sets how many days backward in time to display on startup. With a setting of for example 2, any notes from yesterday and the day before yesterday are shown - if any exists. The purpose of this is that you shouldn't miss any notes if you don't start your computer every day. You can set this to 0 if you only want to see notes for the future.

The second number of the past setting (30 above) is how many additional number of days to load into the window above what is displayed at startup. So with a setting of #past 1 30 you will see any notes for yesterday at startup, and if you want to look at the past month you can just scroll up. The total number of past days is the two numbers together 1+30=31.

"Highlight" sets how many days in the future (starting today) to display highlighted notes for. With a setting of 7, any existing notes for the coming week will be shown. The notes in the highlight section are
color coded.

"Future" sets how many additional days in the future to display any existing notes for in discrete gray.

There is another important factor to this: If you start ALM with the "check" option from the command line (ALM.exe check) OR if you just check the autostart box, then ALM will ONLY open the main window on startup if there are any notes in the "past" (first number) or "highlight" categories. Otherwise, it will start hidden.

You can easily increase the time span to display in the display window with the control shown below. The value is added to the values of #past and #future for the display.

The ALM window's properties

Since ALM V5.3, the size and position of the window (and of the editor window) is remembered automatically (stored in the file Boray-ALMNG-winpos). But I also kept the old window commands in case someone wants a fix start position even if the window was moved around:

#width 405
#height 428
#xpos 17
#ypos 17


#days Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
#words "Today!" "Tomorrow." "days left." "days ago." "Yesterday."

If your native language isn't English, then you can simply exchange these words with your translation. Note that it starts with Sunday (not Monday). You have to state all of them.

Here is the Swedish localization, for my countrymen to paste in:

WARNING: If you have any "every"-notes (Notes repeating every week or day) in your data when you change your localization, then you have to change these notes to the new names as well!

#weeknumbers off | word

Sets the word to display for week numbers or turns them off. Default is "#weeknumbers w" which shows for example "w 12" for week number 12.

The week numbers are according to ISO 8601 which isn't used in USA, so if you live there, you better turn the week numbers off with "#weeknumbers off".


#font name size (styles)
#font.dates name size (styles) name size (styles)
#font.cold name size (styles)

Settings commands introduced in V6.9 to set the different fonts for the main window. The easiest way is to use the new "Font" button in the editor. If you press it when the cursor is standing on an empty line, ALM will ask which font to modify and then open a font dialog for it. OR if you put the cursor on an existing font settings line, it will open the font dialog for that particular font.

#font sets the normal note font. #font.dates sets the font for the date headers while and #font.cold sets the fonts for the two
special note text styles.

True hackers can continue to read (if you like). "Name" (in the declarations above) is the type face name, "size" is the font size in points. "(styles)" is a string combined of the codes b/ for bold, u/ for underline, i/ for italic and s/ for strikeout. So for example b/i/ means bold and italic. But as I said, use the Font button and you don't need to remember this at all.

Here follows a couple of examples you can try to paste into your data:

#font.dates "Cambria" 12,75 i/
#font "Futura Bk" 15 "Georgia" 14,25 b/
#font.cold "Leelawadee" 9,75 s/

#font "Franklin Gothic Book" 15,75 i/
#font.dates "Euphemia" 12 "Rockwell" 15,75
#font.cold "Franklin Gothic Book" 12 s/

#font "Grenoble SF" 14
#font.dates "DokChampa" 11 "Rockwell" 15,75
#font.cold "Franklin Gothic Book" 12 s/

Additional settings

#addto top|bottom top|bottom top|bottom

The #addto command changes the behaviour of the "Add note" button in the display window. There are three settings which each can have the value "top" or "bottom", for example "#addto top top bottom". The three settings are in this order:

1. specific-year notes
2. every-year notes
3. every-week notes.

(The same order as in the Add Note Window). So the default setting (#addto top bottom bottom) will add new specific-year notes to the top of the file, every-year notes to the bottom of the file and every-week notes also to the bottom. As notes for the same date are shown to you in the order of appearance in the file, this is of more importance than just for esthetical reasons.

#autoupdate off (on|off|seconds)

#autoupdate can make ALM check for updates made to the data file by external programs (or more likely another instance of ALM for example at another network location). ALM always checks for outside changes right before you add a note, edit or are about to save. But with this command you can also make ALM check for updates in a specified time interval. When using autoupdate and ALM detects that the data has been updated from outside, a dot is added to the program icon to let you know. It disappears when you open (or enter) the ALM window. Read more about this

#icon 1|2|3
Sets the program icon to different colors. Default is icon nr 1.

#title yourtitle|default
Sets the text for the notify icon.

Both #icon and #title are useful for when running more than one ALMs at the same time. I have two running at work, one for work and one private, synchronized automatically with my home computer by a cloud drive (and autoupdate on). For starting more than one instance, you can start them from a .bat file. Something like this:
start "" "C:\Alm\ALM.exe" check "C:\Alm\datafile1.txt"
start "" "C:\Alm\ALM.exe" check "C:\Alm\datafile2.txt"

#alarmtimeout off (on|off|seconds)

#alarmtimeout determines if the alarm will go on forever or not. More about this here.

Day Notes

This will of course be the bulk part of your data file. You normally add notes with the "Add note" windows, but it can also be done directly in the editor.

An asterisk (*) in the note text immediately followed by a year will be replaced with the age when displayed in the main window. For example, *1973 will in year 2011 be replaced with 38. (2011-1973 = 38).

There are three types of notes. (The three types shown in the add note window). With the first type you state year, month and day and you will have a note for only one specific day in the future:

Note text for specific day.
More note text for this day.

For notes repeating every year you just leave out the year:

#Note MM DD
A note repeating every year

The third type of note is "every"-notes. They are repeating every week (or some weeks).

Notes using "every" is displayed only once in the display window, for the first day that it matches. For example, if you have a "#note every day" note, it will only be shown once - for today.

"Every" notes will NOT be displayed in your #past section.

When using day names like Monday, Tuesday... it's the day names in your
localization setting that are used.

Every-notes have a rather complex syntax: (hackers can read on ;-)

#Note [YYYY] [MM] every day|<days> [week <weeks>] [to YYYY MM DD]

[] means that something is optional.

YYYY is year,

MM is month,

<days> is any combination of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday or "workday" separated by "/", for example "every Monday/Tuesday/Friday".

<weeks> is any combination of "odd", "even" and week numbers separated by "/". For example "week 22/23/24"

DD is day


Does it look complicated? Well, maybe I should just write a few examples for you:

#note every day
This note is displayed every day

#note every workday
This is displayed every Monday to Friday

#note every Tuesday
This is displayed every tuesday. Note that it's the day names in your localization setting that are used.

#note every monday to 2013 2 1
This is shown every monday until (and including) 1 February 2013.

#note 2012 every monday
This is shown every monday in year 2012

#note 2015 4 every day to 2015 4 15
This is shown every day first half of April 2015

#note every monday/wednesday/friday
This will be shown every monday, wednesday and friday. When stating more than one day like this, it's important that they are all spelled correctly as ALM only checks if the day in question is included in what you wrote. The order is of no importance.

#note every workday/saturday to 2014 01 01
Will be shown every day except for sundays until 1 January 2014.

#note every monday week odd
Will be shown every monday in weeks with an odd week number (1,3,5...)

#note 2012 every monday week 20/43/50
Matches three days in total, the monday of week 20, 43 and 50 in year 2012.

#note 2013 every monday week 45
Will show only the monday of week 45 in year 2013. So you you can actually use "every" for specific day notes as well.

Phew... Luckily you don't have to remember all of this. If you type it in, ALM will show you popup windows! But the easiest way is of course to use the easy-mode "Add note".


You can set any number of alarms in any number of notes. On the day and time in question - you will notice!

The syntax is *alarm HH:MM where HH is the hour between 0-23 and MM is the minute between 0-59. Here follows some examples:

#note every thursday
*alarm 20:00 Watch Star Trek!

#note 2011 04 15
The dentist at 14 o'clock. *alarm 13:30 Time to go!

#note every workday
*alarm 19:00 TV - Mission impossible
*alarm 22:55 TV - Mac Gyver

Here is a little demonstration on how to add an alarm for a movie with just a few mouse clicks, copy and paste:

Here showing how to easily adjust an alarm time:

The alarm looks rather fun too! (Old pre-release video - The version in the video is like a mix between ALM 4 and 5.)

Alarms will not be activated if ALM isn't running at the time in question. If you put your computer to hibernation however, and there was an alarm set for when it was sleeping, then the alarm will be activated after the computer was reactivated! ...unless it was hibernating over TWO midnights.

There is also the Alarm Timeout command:

#alarmtimeout on|off|number of seconds

It sets the time of how long the alarms will sound. Setting it to "on" (#alarmtimeout on) is the same as setting it to 60 seconds (#alarmtimeout 60). This will turn off the alarm sound after 60 seconds. The jumping "Strabismus" figure will also fade out but the alarm window will remain the same.

Replacing the alarm sound

With the #wav command you can exchange the alarm sound to a wav file of your liking:

#wav filename.wav


#wav:computername filename.wav

The latter is for if you use the same data file on several computers. To find out your computer name, press the XY button in the main window and use the same pattern as the displayed backup command.

Note text styles and colors

Since ALM 6.7 you can choose between three different note text styles. This is useful if you for example have a note about a deadline some day in the future but you already have submitted your work for it; then instead of deleting the note, you can change the status of it to "Cold" and still see it in the display window for future reference.

There are also buttons to change between these styles.

Page Jump Table

What to display
The ALM window's properties
Additional settings
Day Notes
Notes repeating every week
Changing the alarm sound
Note text styles and colors
Six ways of making a note
Sorting Notes
Commenting things out
Month Headings

Autostart with Windows
Auto backup file
The #backup:computername command
Import your old Amiga
Advanced usage
Portable install
Removing ALM completely
ALM on Linux

To get back to this menu, use your back button.

Back to:
ALM Main Page.

Six ways of making a note

Method 1: This is the
easy-mode way: Press the "Add note" button in the display window. Follow the instructions.

Method 2: The same as method 1 but from the editor. The difference is that the note is added at the cursor position in the editor.

Method 3: Use the mouse to mark a date header in the display window. The "add note" window will be opened with the date preselected. To see empty days, have "show empty" checked.

Method 4: In the editor, press the #note-button and "#note" will be inserted into the text and the month/year popup window will open. Now you can either use the mouse to click on a month or year in the popup window, or you can just write the numbers with the keyboard and the popup window will close automatically.

Method 5: Write "#note" in the editor, followed by a space. The popup window will then open and then it's the same as for 4 above. In other words - you can ignore the popup window and write in everything yourself if you like, or you can take help from the popup window.

Method 6: Press the "Day Picker" button. A little calendar will then pop up. Navigate to the day you want to use. Then press either "#note MM DD" to insert an eternal note for the date or press "#note YYYY MM DD" to insert the year as well. The "Day Picker" can also be used to add a "to" date to an "every"-note made with method 1 or 2.

Sorting Notes

You can use the "Sort" button in the editor to sort your data file. You can either select some text and just sort that selection, or you can select nothing and the whole file will be sorted. The algorithm is rather complex and sorts all sections of notes separately. A #-sign or any other command than "#note" or "#not" will devide the note sections.

If the "sort years" checkbox isn't checked, then the notes will be sorted by month and day only. Any years in the note headers are ignored (but preserved of course).

Tip: To make the sorted result pretty, make sure you have the same number of line breaks after your last note as after all other notes.

If you sort a selection of notes, then make sure to select whole notes and not for example half of the last one.

Commenting things out

If you want to comment out a note, just remove the "e" from "#note" and you will get "#not". The note will then not be shown in the display window, but it will still be sorted with the Sort button.

Everything in the data file except for the included commands (#note, #width etc) are regarded as comments and will be ignored by ALM.

Month Headings

Here is a simple way to make your data file prettier and easier to navigate in, using the #not command (explained above) to make Month headings.

Just take one of these:
alm_headlines.txt (English)
alm_rubriker.txt (Swedish)

Copy the text and paste it into the ALM editor just ABOVE your first note. Then press "Sort" and ... you have the headings in there!

Using #not, these will not be shown in the display window, just in the editor. (If you prefer them to show in the display window as well, you can of course change to #note - but then more adjustments to the layout are needed as well.)


When the "follow" checkbox is checked, the display window will scroll to follow the editor and show the same note that you are on in the editor (except for every-notes). A new feature in V5 is that you can make the editor follow the display window as well. Just use the mouse to mark any text in the display window, and the text will immediately be searched for in the editor.

Autostart with Windows

I mentioned earlier that you can start ALM from the command line with the option "check". The ALM window is then only shown if there are any notes to show in the #past or #highlight categories. To start ALM like this when the computer starts, just check the "autostart" checkbox in ALM's main window. You can uncheck the box again at any time.

Putting ALM in your startup will make some use of the otherwise useless waiting time when all your windows programs are starting up. When my computer is loaded and fit for fight, I have already looked at the coming events in ALM.

Auto backup file

Your normal data file is stored in your Documents folder and named "Boray-ALMNG-Data.txt". There is also a "Boray-ALMNG-Data.txt.autobak" file which ALM stores when you overwrite your data file, but not every time, only the first time you save while the program is running. So if you have made a major mistake, you can get back the data the way it was before you started the program. Just press the "Revert" button in the editor and the backup will be loaded into the editor. And if you have closed the program, you can still get the data back by starting the program and pressing the "Revert" button before you Save/Update.

If you just want to undo to the point of your last Save/Update, you can just close the editor window and then open it again.

The #backup:computername command

Since V5.3 (5.4.1), there is a backup command. With it, you can change the destination of the automated backup to one of your own choice. It's a good idea to backup to a different drive in case of hard drive failure. For example:

#backup:hp2 "D:\backup\alm-data-autobak.txt"

...where "hp2" is an example computer name. To see the right computer name and backup command for your machine, press the XY button in the display window. The computer name is there so that you can use the same data file on more than one computer, each with it's own backup setting.

Import your old Amiga

The last Amiga version was downloaded 556 times from Aminet (and that's not the only place to get it). So some backward compatibility is certainly in place. Just press the "amiga" button in the editor to add the data from your Amiga file to the end of the text. I think it's pretty cool to still daily use data that I typed in on an Amiga 500 twenty years ago!

Advanced usage

Since V5, you can start ALM with a specified data file like this:

ALM.exe datafile.txt
ALM.exe check datafile.txt

Or you can just drag and drop a data file onto ALM's program icon.

This way you can for example use the same data file in a Windows and Linux dual boot. Or you can use the same datafile for several computers in the same network. Checks are being made if the data file was altered outside of ALM before you save and before you open the editor. You can also make ALM to auto update if the file was changed. This is done by setting the #autoupdate command:

#autoupdate on|off|number of seconds

Setting it to "on" (#autoupdate on) is the same as setting it to 60 seconds (#autoupdate 60). The file is then checked every 60 seconds to see if it was changed, and if it was, it's reloaded into ALM. It's NOT reloaded if you have the editor open.

Starting ALM with a filename also makes it possible to start several ALMs at the same time.

Portable install

Data and settings will by default be saved in your documents folder. If you prefer a portable install instead, then make a new folder, put ALM there but rename it "PALM.exe" (stands for Portable ALM). Then data and settings will be saved in the program's folder instead and you can for example easily take it with you on an USB stick.

If you want to convert your old ALM installation to a portable one, then just move Boray-ALMNG-Data.txt into your new portable folder.

Removing ALM completely

If you don't like ALM and want to remove everything, then first make sure the "autostart" checkbox is unchecked. Then quit ALM and delete the file ALM.exe from wherever you put it. Delete the files "Boray-ALMNG-Data.txt", "Boray-ALMNG-Data.txt.autobak" and "Boray-ALMNG-winpos" from your Documents folder. That's it.

Running ALM on Linux

Because the program is a .NET application, it's possible to run it on other systems than Windows using the .Net substitute Mono. I made some smaller modifications so that it will run on Linux.

It works, not as well as on Windows, but it works. It's slower, looks a bit different and sometimes behaves a bit differently. The data file ends up in your user folder instead of your Documents folder, but I guess that's good enough. You can of course run it portable instead (which I do) by renaming the program PALM.exe.

Here is ALM on Linux Mint XFCE:

(Click to enlarge)

A batch file for starting ALM could look something like:

    mono /home/anders/Desktop/palm/PALM.exe

...or with the "check" option if you prefer.


ALM was invented in early 1992. The Commodore Amiga was at the time the most popular home computer in Sweden.

The Amiga version consisted of two programs: ALM Editor to edit the data and ShowALM to put in your startup. The Amiga ALM Editor was specialized for the purpose and you could only see one day at a time.

So, what does the original Amiga ALM and Windows ALM have in common?

* The dual approach where the data is edited in one place and displayed in another.

* Possible to display coming notes at computer startup.

* The notes are displayed in a similar manner, a list of coming notes displayed with colored headers, with the date and days left shown.

* Different color headers depending on how near in the future the notes are.

* Years are stated *YYYY and transformed to age when displayed.

* Highly configurable.

* Both can load the Amiga ALM data file.

* Same programmer.

As a historical note,
here is the documentation for the Amiga ALM.

ALM 20 years anniversary video

Version History

1989 - The current ALM icon (and jumping alarm figure) was designed and animated on a Commodore 64 for a game called "Strabismus".

V1.0 - Original Amiga version. Made in Bellefors 1992-02-10
V1.1 - Made in Gothenburg 1992-03-05
V1.2 - Some modifications 1992-04-27

V2.0 - Made in Bellefors and Gothenburg. Released 1992-09-07
V2.2 - Temporary notes included 1993-01-11
V2.3 - Modernization in Gothenburg 1996-04-25

V3.0 - First Aminet release. Made in Skövde 1998-06-07
V3.1 - Small adjustments. Gothenburg 1998-07-12
V3.2 - Gothenburg 1998-09-16
V3.2b - Bugfix in ShowALM 1999-01-03

V4.0 - ALM Next Generation. First Windows Version. All new design and code. Not backward compatible. Sandviken 2011-05-25
V4.1 - Added month/year popup and more. 2011-06-02
V4.2 - Added note sorting. Date in the window title. Time span control. Bugfixes. 2011-06-06
V4.3 - Added Amiga import for backward compatibility. 2011-06-07
V4.3.1 - The windows size and position is now only updated if you change any of those numbers. 2011-06-08
V4.3.2 - Adaptions for running on Mono/Linux. 2011-06-10
V4.3.3 free - During the work with V5, I decided that I would release the old version for free. 2011-06-19

V5.0 - A lot of changes:

    Week repeating "every"-notes.
    Week numbers.
    Icon and menu in the task bar.
    Two #past values (#past 1 30).
    Speedup of the time span control.
    Visual design changes.
    Marking text in the display window immediately searches for it in the editor.
    Possible to specify a data file / use the same data file on many computers in a network or for a Windows/Linux dual boot.
    The easy-mode was added.
    New 64x64 pixel icon more suited for Windows 7.
    Many small improvements throughout the program.

    The line count of the source code for the project was more than doubled!
    Released 2011-07-05

V5.1 - Added week numbers also in the month calendars (used in the Add Note window and in the Day Picker). 2011-07-13

V5.1.1 and V4.3.4 - Both versions now work with .NET 2.0 instead of .NET 3.5

V5.2 - Added an autostart checkbox to make it easier to setup ALM to launch at system startup. It adds a .bat file in the windows startup folder. So this is a completely different startup method than the one suggested to use before (the Windows Task Scheduler).

V5.3 - Changes:

    There is now a "show empty" checkbox. When checked, all days will be shown instead of just those with contents. If you use the mouse to mark a date (for example "2011 - 09 - 23", then the add note window will be opened for this day. This makes it easier to plan things as it's easier to see when you have free time.

    The size and position of the window (and of the editor window) will now be remembered automatically (stored in the file Boray-ALMNG-winpos). You can override this with the old window settings commands. So if you want to start storing the window settings automatically, you have to remove the related window commands from your data file.

    New command: #backup. With it, you can change the destination of the automated backup to one of your own choice. It's a good idea to backup to a different drive in case of hard drive failure. For example:
    #backup "D:\backup\alm-data-autobak.txt"

    The states of the "show empty" and "follow" checkboxes will be remembered when you start ALM next time.

    The Add note windows are now opened at positions calculated from the main window to try to prevent it from being hidden.

    Speed improvements. Especially in the future when you probably will have a lot of old obsolete notes in your data file.

    The system tray balloon tip is now never shown if ALM was started with the check option ( = auto started on startup).

    A message is now shown after the sort function in the editor has completed to confirm if the whole file was sorted or just the selection. (In case somebody didn't know you could sort just a selection and did it by mistake.)

    Bugfix: ALM prevented Windows XP from shutting down!

    Bugfix: Crashed when using a different file than the standard data file and the path to it was very long.

    Some changes regarding the focus of the different controls.


V5.3.1 - The "mark to search" function was made a little smarter: Previously when you marked note text in the display window to search for it in the editor, you had to be careful about not marking any ages as those would be years in the editor text. Now you don't have to care about that. Now, if ages are in the marked text, it will simply search for the longest text in between years. So now you can mark the whole note to search for it if you like. (But don't mark the date header as that opens the "add note" window for the date in question). Another improvement is that a warning message will be displayed if there is more than one occurrence of the marked text.(2011-09-09)

V5.4 - The notes in the highlight section are now color coded. (2011-09-12)

V5.4.1 - I realized that the new #backup command would cause trouble when using the same data file on more than one computer, so I decided to include the computer name in the command. So if you have started to use #backup, you have to change the command to #backup:yourcomputer. To see the right computer name and backup command for your machine, press the XY button in the display window. Read more here.
More instructive tool tips were added. (2011-09-14)

V5.4.2 - Added a "mark-actions" checkbox. By unchecking it, you will disable the "mark note text to edit it" and "mark date header to add note for it" actions. I added the checkbox so that you can copy text into another program (for example Word) without being disturbed by other things happening. Some times you might for example want to do this to print out a couple of notes.

V5.5 - Changes:

    Added a "Save + Close" button in the editor. It works just like the old "Save + Update" button but also closes the editor (if there were no errors). The old "Save + Update" button is still there, but it's now called just "Save".

    Added new "-" and "+" buttons for alarm times, in the editor as well as in the add note windows. Mark an alarm time and press "-" to decrease it etc. If nothing is marked, then all alarm times in the note will be changed.

    Changed colors and design.

    Buxfix in the mark-to-search function.


V6.0 - Changes:

    ALM now has a shareware limitation: When your data file exceeds 3.5 kb, no notes will be shown in the main window. You can still edit the data. 3.5 kb doesn't seem like much, but it will actually let you store approximately 80 notes without paying.

    Bugfix: If you quit ALM with the window(s) minimized, the stored window position was totally inaccurate. The editor window could disappear!

    Changes to the mark-actions: You can now (again) click in left of a line to mark the whole line. So you can click in left of a date header to add a note for the date and in left of note text to edit it.

    The "ALM Free" version was scrapped.


V6.0.1 - Improved the follow behaviour (the function that makes the display window follow the editor cursor position): Before, when a specific year note was too old to be found in the currently displayed notes, the same day for the next year was displayed, which was a bit confusing. Now it just marks nothing instead.

V6.0.2 - Bugfix in the follow function after using the sort function.

V6.1 - Changes:

    Added some calculating functions in the "add note" window:

    Age to year: Enter an age in the box, press the "age to year" button and the birth year *YYYY will be inserted in the text. Useful if you know the age and birthday but are too lazy to calculate the birth year yourself.

    With the other new function, you enter hours and/or minutes and then press the "Go" button. An alarm will then be set on the time and date H hours and M minutes from now. Useful if you for example are to charge some batteries or bake a cake.

    Design changes with some new color gradients.

    Undo and Redo buttons in the add note windows.


V6.1.1 - Changes regarding the windows different component's focus: Now after using different controls in the main window, the focus is always returned to the main note list so that you can scroll it with the mouse scroll wheel without first clicking on the list. The same thing was changed in the other windows as well.

V6.2 - Changes:

    The "show empty" checkbox was replaced with a color filter. With it, you can switch on and off all of the different note types separately. The green box is the old "show empty" checkbox. Note that when green is checked, it shows date headers in green for all days not covered by the current filter setting.

    The autostart feature (ALM.exe check) that only shows the main window if there are notes in the highlight section is now dependent of the new filter setting. If you for example only have red notes checked, the window will only popup if there are red notes in the highlight section. Green notes are ignored though.

    Alarms set in notes filtered away are still set!

    The "Back" button is now renamed "Scroll Back" and the "Edit" button is now called "Editor".


V6.3 - The mark-action in the display window to find the right note in the editor was improved. Before, if the marked text existed in more than one place in the data file, then a message box just told you so and the first occurrence was shown. Now, a link table between the display window and the data file is built up internally which will make it possible to find the right note right away. If you have made edits and not yet saved however, then the old simple search will be used.

V6.4 - Changes:

    Improved upon the new mark-action.

    A small bug or rather an ugliness was fixed regarding when there was no data and the green box was checked.

    Changed the user interface a bit. It just felt more natural to have the "scroll back" button closer to the note list where it was before.

    I also changed the #addto setting for the default data file to "#addto top top bottom" which will save all new notes to the top except for weekly notes. I did this because I found myself often adding birthdays as non-repeating notes by mistake. With this setting you can just remove the year and then press "sort" to make it right. The "every"-notes are still added to the bottom so that every-notes always will end up last for a day even when not sorted. These changes are just for the default initial data file and you can change it to whatever you prefer.


V6.4.1 - You can now click http links directly in the alarm window to open them in your browser. Perfect for internet auctions for example. Before, you had to open the ALM window to be able to click the link.

V6.4.2 - The idle cpu usage of ALM was reduced from 0.72 MHz to 0.08 MHz!

V6.5 - Now all date headers are color coded and not just those in the highlight section.

V6.5.1 - The "add" buttons in the add note windows are now color coded for the note type to add. Checking and unchecking "repeat note every year" will in other words change the color. As a precaution to prevent the user from mistakes.

V6.5.2 - The note text for the past is now the same gray color as for the future instead of green.

V6.5.3 - Bugfix: When pressing "Save + Close" in the editor, the note you were on wasn't scrolled to in the display window like with the "Save" button. Now it does.

V6.6 - Made it possible to use ALM as a 100% portable application. Read more here.

V6.7 - Added note text styles and colors.
Also changed the behaviour of the age calculation: It now ignores * signs which doesn't have four numbers immediately following, for example: *1973 is regarded as a birth year, but 4*5 isn't.

V6.7.1 - You can now replace the alarm sound. Also added a warning if you try to add an empty note with the add note windows.

V6.7.2 - Bugfix: The little calendar used in the add note windows was overlapped by other content and therefor not fully visible on many systems. I'm not sure if it was a Windows 7 problem or a language localization problem but it should be fixed now anyway.

V6.7.3 - The alarm window now has an extra button "stop" to just stop the alarm but keep the alarm window open. This is useful when you want to stop the alarm but don't have time to do whatever the alarm says right at the moment. Then you can leave the alarm window open as a remainder. There was also some changes in behaviour (or bug fixes) regarding the alarm window. Before, the alarm stopped if you opened and closed the main window for example. Not any more.

V6.7.4 - The alarm window is now NOT cleared when the data is reloaded. So now you can for example add a new note with the alarm window still open.

V6.7.5 - Some bug fixes regarding minimized main window.

V6.7.6 - Added a new button in the alarm window: Stop and Minimize.

V6.8 - News:

V6.9 - News:

    Added font settings.

    Made adjustments to the alarm - the jumping guy will push up the alarm window to not cover him on small screens (or if you bring the window down).

    The "Mark this note" button in the editor was changed to "Mark this one" and will also work for other settings commands.

    Also made some other minor changes, for example, the gray note text is now a bit more black.


V6.9.1 - Bugfix: When using the command line option "check" (or using the default autostart) the window did not popup for notes in the #past category (first number). Now it does.

V7.0 - News:

    ALM is now freeware. That doesn't mean that you are free to do anything with it, just that you can download and use it for free! You are also free to buy my music at bandcamp ;-)

    More adaptations for Linux (mono). That's why I made this version. Making it freeware in the same go seemed pretty natural with just one paying user in six years!


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Boray POWer - Get a really responsive computer and still save power and money!

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PRG Starter - A "must have" for the VICE emulator.

SimMal 2010 - Mail simulation, in Swedish only.

Copyright(C) 2011 by Anders Persson
Boray Software