
PRG_Starter.exe V2.4.6 (139kb)


Place the program where you want it, start it and then press the "Setup" button.

During the setup, an "User Account Control" window will appear. On Vista/7, just press "Allow". On Windows XP, do this.

(PRG Starter is a .NET Framework / Windows Forms application)

Added in 2024: In the most recent version(s) of VICE, the file x64.exe is no longer included. Therefor make a copy of x64cs.exe and rename that copy x64.exe. After that, PRG Starter will work. (I have only tried the GTK version).

Installing and using on your work's computer / You have no admin rights

Put the program in the VICE folder and make a shortcut to it on your desktop. When you want to use it, just drop a file on the shortcut on the desktop.

Also... Listen to Boray: