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 SCREEN PubScreenName [OrDefault] | Default | Jump [[not] screenlist]

 'SCREEN PubScreenName' will open the window on the public screen with
 the name 'PubScreenName'. For example: 'SCREEN Workbench' for the
 workbench screen. Please note that this name is case sensitive.
 If the screen not exists, an error message is shown.
 'SCREEN Default' uses the active screen. (The screen at front).
 This does NOT need to be a public screen.
 'SCREEN Name OrDefault' uses the public screen 'Name' if it is
 available, else the active screen is used.
 'SCREEN Jump' Makes the window jump from screen to screen when you
 switch between screens.
 'SCREEN Jump DM HBASIC.1' Makes the window to jump from screen to
 active screen if it's public name is DM or HBASIC.1, else it's
 'SCREEN Jump NOT Workbench' Jumps between all screens but Workbench.
 Note1: The screen will be locked only once. This means that you
 can not change the screen parameters with the update command. If you
 want to update the screen, use 'Load "[this]"' instead of 'update'.
 Note2: If the screen you open the window on NOT is a public
 screen, then you better close the window BEFORE you quit the program
 that opened the screen, else the screen will not close. For this
 reason you should use the Popup command if you are using 'SCREEN Jump'
 for your button panel.
 Note3: If you use the JUMP option, then the script is updated
 every time you switch screens.
 Default is: 'SCREEN default'

 See also: Popup


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